Ergo Sum

Taken from the well-known Latin phrase ¨Cogito Ergo Sum¨(I think therefore I exist) that Descartes coined, I deleted the first part to stay with what is related to ¨Then I exist¨ which could not have a semantic logic. This linguistic amputation has two purposes related to the photographs here presented. The first, a symbolic castration of the most important representative of modern philosophy whose patriarchal logic is the suppression of everything related to the feminine and which has been violently fragmented by “reason.” In the second purpose, I approach my own body as the historical residue of many amputations. We always seek what is completed in order to be able to be, but this is destroyed by the original fracture of the human condition. In this series I portray myself from head to toe but the lapses and empty spaces make my constancy be subjected to the will of time and death.